Key Scripture: Mark 5:34 -Then Jesus said to her, ‘Daughter, because you dared to believe, your faith has healed you. Go with peace in your heart, and be free from your suffering!
Throughout our Draw Near journey, we’ve seen how God calls the least expected—the broken, the outcasts, the ones with a past. We’ve seen Moses, a man full of doubts and failures, yet chosen by God. We’ve seen Zacchaeus, a man no one believed was worthy, yet Jesus called him by name. And now, we come to another encounter. One that speaks to the weight of desperation, the kind of faith that reaches beyond the noise, and the heart of a Savior who responds.
This is the story of a woman who had nothing left—except the courage to reach.
When Anticipation Turns into Affliction
Have you ever waited for something with expectation, only for it to turn into disappointment, pain, or loss? Maybe you believed a situation would bring joy, but instead, it brought heartache.
The woman in Mark 5:25-34 knew this well. She was just like any other Hebrew woman—dreaming of the future, of love, of family. Then, one day, she got her period. What should have been a normal moment of womanhood, a prelude to her marriage and motherhood turned into a 12-year nightmare.
Twelve years of uncontrollable bleeding. Twelve years of pain, exhaustion, and isolation. Twelve years of being told she was unclean, unwanted, and untouchable. She had spent everything searching for a cure—doctor after doctor, remedy after remedy—only to grow worse. And under Jewish law, her condition made her an outcast. She was not allowed to worship in the temple, so she was practically cut off from the presence of God. No friendships, no community, no place in the temple to worship. She wasn’t just suffering physically; she was socially and spiritually cut off.
Maybe you’ve been there: The college student who thought a degree would bring opportunity, only to find themselves drowning in debt and uncertainty. The marriage that was meant to be a journey of love and companionship but instead became a place of betrayal, conflict, and loneliness.. The dream job that once felt like a calling, a way to make a difference, yet over time led to burnout, exhaustion, and a loss of passion.
We’ve all had moments when hope turned into heartache, when we thought things would get better but they only got worse. And maybe, like this woman, you’ve found yourself at the end of yourself—tired, weary, and wondering if God even sees you.
At the End of Myself
She was out of options. She had tried everything—spent all her money, exhausted her resources, poured out her energy and emotions—fighting this affliction. And yet, nothing changed. How many of us have been there?
In our desperation for healing, for relief, for a way out, we chase after solutions that only leave us more broken. We put our hope in people, in systems, in temporary fixes—only to find ourselves more lost, more wounded, and more exhausted than before.
I know this feeling. I’ve had moments where I felt trapped, overwhelmed by circumstances that threatened to consume me. I grasped at every possible solution, only to realize my efforts were making things worse. There were times when giving up felt like the only way out.
But then—Hope. A light that twinkles even in the darkest night. A whisper in the silence. She heard about Jesus.
Not just any man, but the Mighty One of Israel. The Healer. The Light of the World. The One who sees the unseen and touches the untouchable.
She wasn’t supposed to be near Him. She couldn’t stand before Him like others. She had no right to approach Him. But she didn’t need to stand. She didn’t need to speak. She just needed to reach. So she did. She pressed through the crowd—unnoticed, unseen—but full of faith. It was risky. It was unconventional. But it was the kind of faith that is born at the end of ourselves. The kind that rises when logic, reason, and every human effort have failed. When there is no other way out, no other option—this mountain must move. And so, she reached for Him. She touched the hem of His And in that moment, power moved—Jesus moved. He drew near to her, not just in presence, but through His power., her bleeding stopped. Her body was healed. But the miracle didn’t end there.
Jesus stopped.
Who Touched Me?
Jesus stopped. He turned. “Who touched Me?” His disciples were confused—so many people were pressing against Him. But Jesus knew. Someone hadn’t just brushed against Him. Someone had reached for Him with desperate, believing faith—and He felt it. Trembling, she came forward. Maybe she thought she had done something wrong. Maybe she feared rebuke. But Jesus looked at her, not with condemnation, but with love. “Daughter, your faith has made you whole.” Not just healed—whole. She had come looking for relief. But Jesus gave her more. He gave her identity. He gave her restoration. He gave her belonging. She was no longer just the woman with the issue of blood.
She was Daughter.
Your Reach Moves Him
And today, Jesus is still asking, “Who touched Me?” Not because He doesn’t know. But because He wants you to know—your faith moves Him. Your reaching, your drawing near—even in silence, even in fear—moves His heart, His power, and His compassion.
So draw near.
If all you can do is reach for the hem—reach. If all you can do is whisper His name—whisper. If all you can do is weep in His presence—weep.
Because He will notice. He will turn. And He will call you His.
Let Us Pray
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your unfailing mercy and compassion. Thank You for seeing us even when we feel unseen, for calling us Yours even when we feel unworthy. Lord, give us the faith of this woman—the faith that reaches beyond doubt, presses through obstacles, and draws near to You even in desperation. Help us to trust that when we reach for You, You will turn to us, restore us, and make us whole. In Jesus’ name, Amen!