The Lord is our Shepherd, our guide, and our provider. This prayer, inspired by Psalm 23, is a declaration of trust in Yahweh’s protection, provision, and presence in every season of life. As we pray, may our hearts rest in His unfailing love and guidance.
Yahweh, the LORD GOD, is my Shepherd; therefore, I have everything I need—I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, providing me with rest in a place of abundance and peace. He leads me beside still waters, a place of refreshment and renewal. He restores my soul—no matter the challenges, despair, brokenness, weariness, or heaviness of life, my soul is safe in the hands of my Shepherd. His presence restores and strengthens me. Yahweh guides me in paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake. Because His Name is upon me, I am confident that He will always direct my steps. Even when I face misdirection or uncertainty, I trust that He will lead me to my expected end—Jesus. Even if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death—whether led by the LORD or stumbling there through my own missteps—I will not fear. For You, O LORD, are with me. You have promised never to leave me, even in the darkest valleys. Your rod and Your staff comfort me—Your power protects me from harm, and Your guidance keeps me on the right path. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies, honoring and establishing me as Yours. No evil can conquer me because Your hand is upon me. You anoint my head with oil—setting me apart, favoring me, and claiming me as Your own. Because of this, my cup overflows; Yahweh, You are more than enough. I am assured and confident that because You are my Shepherd, Your goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life. Everything will work together for my good and for Your divine purpose.
I will dwell in Your presence, Yahweh, and You will dwell in me—now and forevermore.