Key Scripture: Isaiah 42:3 (MSG) “He won’t brush aside the bruised and the hurt and he won’t disregard the small and insignificant, but he’ll steadily and firmly set things right.

One of my favorite moments in Jesus’ ministry is His interaction with Zacchaeus, the chief tax collector. Zacchaeus was despised and rejected by his own people—a man who had gained wealth by betraying them to the Roman oppressors. And yet, in Luke 19:1-10, we see him longing for just a glimpse of Jesus. But even that seemed impossible. He was too short, and the crowd became a barrier between him and the Savior. Yet, instead of giving up, he climbed a tree—just for a chance to see Jesus. And here’s the part that moves me every time: Luke 19:5—“When Jesus came by, He looked up at Zacchaeus and called him by name! ‘Zacchaeus!’ He said. ‘Quick! Come down! For I am going to be a guest in your home today!’” Wow. The man who had accepted his status as an outcast—the sinner whom no one wanted anything to do with—became the focus of Jesus that day. This is the heart of God. He seeks out the ones the world has cast aside. He calls us by name. And He doesn’t just pass by—He draws near, He invites Himself in, desiring to dwell with us. What a beautiful Savior!

When We Feel Unworthy to Draw Near

Like Zacchaeus, many of us have felt like outcasts—rejected, unworthy, and burdened by our past. There have been moments when we’ve believed we were too broken, too sinful, or too distant to reach out to God directly. So, we settle for a mere glimpse—a quiet seat in the back row at church, a hesitant prayer, a longing gaze from afar—hoping to catch even the smallest trace of His presence without drawing too much attention. We want to know Him, but the weight of our shame convinces us that we are undeserving of His love. But hear this: God is still saying the same thing He said to Zacchaeus—”Quick, come down! I want to be your guest today. I want to dwell with you.” Despite the judgment and disapproval of the crowd, Jesus dined with Zacchaeus—dined! In those days, sharing a meal was an intimate act of acceptance and love. And this powerful encounter was sealed with Jesus’ words in Luke 19:10: “For the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost.” Jesus never overlooks the bruised, the broken, or those the world has cast aside. He draws near to those who feel small, unworthy, and unseen. These are the very people He came to find, to save, and to restore.

So, let this be an invitation—Draw near. He is here for you.

Climbing Above the Barriers

Zacchaeus had every reason to believe he’d never see Jesus. He was too short, the crowd was too big, and—let’s be honest—his past was too heavy. He wasn’t just any sinner; he was a tax collector, a traitor to his own people. If anyone didn’t deserve to be near Jesus, it was him. He could have given up. He could have sighed, shrugged, and told himself, At least I tried. Maybe it was never meant to be. But instead, he ran. He climbed. He positioned himself for just a glimpse of Jesus.

How true is this for so many of us? How often do we let life’s crowds—guilt, fear, shame, past mistakes, or the weight of people’s opinions—block our view of Jesus? How many times have we felt too unworthy, too distant, too messed up to even try? I’ve been there. I’ve had moments where I knew Jesus was the answer, but instead of running to Him, I settled for a distant view. I told myself, I’ll just sit in the back row at church. I’ll just listen to worship music. I’ll just glance at my Bible. I’ll just watch a sermon online. But every time I tried, something got in the way. My own thoughts condemned me—You’re too far gone. Why even bother? Or distractions pulled me back into the very things making me feel unworthy in the first place. But here’s what I’ve learned: even the smallest step toward Jesus matters. A whisper of His name, a desperate cry, the tiniest bit of faith—it’s enough. Because He meets us right there.

Zacchaeus thought he was just climbing a tree to see Jesus. But Jesus was already drawing near to him. And He’s drawing near to you too. So don’t let the barriers hold you back. Don’t let shame, fear, or past mistakes keep you from taking that step. Find your tree. Climb it. And trust me—Jesus will see you. He’ll call your name. And He won’t just pass by—He’ll come in and make Himself at home in your life.

Because you were never just a face in the crowd. You were His goal all along.

Seen by Love, Called by Grace, Invited to Dwell

Luke 19:5“When Jesus reached the spot, He looked up and said to him, ‘Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.’”

Every time I read this verse, I am deeply moved. It so beautifully encapsulates God’s love and grace. It’s such a simple moment, yet it holds so much weight. Jesus saw Zacchaeus. He called him by name! And then, He extended an invitation—an invitation of grace, love, transformation, and belonging.

And Jesus is still doing the same for us. He knows your name. He sees your heart. He knows the fears, the failures, the shame, the doubts that make you feel like you need to keep your distance. Maybe you’ve been trying to catch a glimpse of Him from afar, afraid to get too close. Maybe you’ve been holding onto things that you think disqualify you from His presence. But He’s looking right at you, calling you to come down from whatever is keeping you at a distance. He is saying, “Draw near—I am here for you.”

Have you ever felt like Zacchaeus—longing for God but feeling held back? What ‘tree’ do you need to climb today to position yourself closer to Him?

So if you’ve been feeling too distant, too unworthy, too weighed down—don’t let the barriers keep you from Him. When He calls your name, climb down and joyfully receive Him into your life.

“For the Son of Man came to seek, save, and restore those who are lost.” (Luke 19:10)

Let Us Pray:

Wonderful Father, we thank You for Your infinite love and grace towards us. Thank You for always reaching out to us, even when we feel distant, unworthy, or rejected. Lord, we ask for Your grace and strength in moments when barriers try to hinder us. Lead us to the place where we can wait expectantly for You, just like Zacchaeus climbed the tree to see You. And when You call our names, may our hearts be ready to receive You. Thank You, Lord, for coming for us, for inviting Yourself into our lives, and for the transformation that Your presence brings. We know that we will never be the same again—forever changed for Your glory.

In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen!