Key Scripture: Hebrews 4:16 – “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”
God’s Attention-Grabbing Moment
Have you ever felt unworthy to call upon the Lord or draw near to Him? Maybe you’ve been weighed down by mistakes, weaknesses, doubts, or failures—or perhaps you’re simply exhausted.
Here’s the truth: God is not waiting for your perfection; He is waiting for you to come.
Moses felt the same way. When he saw the burning bush, he didn’t immediately recognize it as a divine calling. Instead, his first thought was more like, “Whoa, that’s amazing—I need to check this out.” At the time, Moses was living a life far from what he had expected or desired. He carried the weight of shame and rejection from his past. Yet, God was trying to get Moses’ attention through the burning bush —not because Moses was perfect, but because God wanted him to draw near. God wasn’t concerned with his imperfections or failures; He was inviting Moses into something greater—a deeper relationship, a divine purpose, and a life transformed by His presence. And that’s often how God calls us—not with a grand declaration of purpose, but with a simple invitation to draw near.
What’s Holding You Back?
When Moses finally heard God’s voice, fear and insecurity took over. His past failures, weaknesses, and doubts rushed to the surface. Instead of confidence, he responded, “Who am I, that I should go?” and “Please, Lord, send someone else.” Maybe you’ve asked yourself this same question: who am I to draw near to God, who am I to call out to Him, who am I to try to take a step towards God- I am too broken, I am too weak, I am too dirty, I have failed, I am worthless, I am too messy. We hesitate, we question, we let fear and our past define us. There have been seasons in my life when I felt so broken, so weighed down by the heavy baggage of my failures and insecurities, that I couldn’t even fathom approaching The Holy God. How could someone as flawed as me come close to The Good and Perfect God? The grip of my weaknesses felt unshakable. The shadows of my past seemed too deep, too consuming. I felt stuck—too weary to move forward, too ashamed to draw near.
God Meets Us in Our Brokenness
Just as God responded to Moses with love and grace, saying, “I am with you,” He still meets us the same way today. He runs to us like the father embracing the prodigal son. He provides strength and support, just as He did for Moses through Aaron. Because God’s call has never been about our ability, our qualifications, or even our readiness—it has always been about His grace. He invites us first into His presence, into an encounter with His love, His goodness, and His purpose.
Draw Near, Just as You Are
Hebrews 4:16 beckons us into the embrace of God’s grace and mercy, inviting us to approach His presence with boldness and confidence. We don’t have to fear condemnation or judgment—we are welcomed just as we are. We don’t need to hide our weaknesses or wait until we’re “perfect” to come before God. His love is greater than our imperfections. We are called to come boldly, not because we have it all together, but because His grace meets us where we fall short. It is in His presence that we find strength, healing, and the help we need to live the life He desires for us—a life of purpose, transformation, and deep relationship with Him.
Remember, Moses’ journey with God didn’t begin when he felt bold or confident. It started with one small step toward God—despite his doubts and fears. The same is true for us today. God is reaching out, calling us into relationship with Him—not because we are strong, but because He is. Whether we feel confident or hesitant, worthy or unworthy, His invitation remains the same: Draw Near.
Sometimes, the most important step isn’t forward, but inward—into His presence, His grace, and His love.
God is waiting. Will you draw near?
Let Us pray:
Heavenly Father, thank You for Your unfailing love and boundless grace. Even when we feel unworthy, You remind us that we are seen, known, and cherished in Your presence. For those of us who are weary, burdened, and hesitant to draw near—break through our doubts and fears. Draw us close, just as You did with Moses, and let us encounter Your love, mercy, and purpose. Help us to step beyond insecurity and into the revelation of who You are. Teach us that we don’t have to be perfect to come—only willing. May Your presence be our refuge, our renewal, and our greatest pursuit. All glory and honor be Yours, in Christ Jesus’ name. Amen.